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10 Things You Should Never Do Before An Interview

10 Things You Should Never Do Before An Interview

We have compiled the top 10 worst things you could do right before your interview:

1. Be unprepared. 

Now, this may seem like a no-brainer, but go the extra mile when preparing to meet your interviewer. Research the company, print extra copies of your resume, practice interview questions and have a few questions of your own ready to ask the interviewer.

2. Look at your phone. 

The last thing you need before you nail your interview is to see or hear something that could get you worked up. Shut down your phone on your way to the interview and stay on your game.

3. Go out or stay up late. 

A good night’s sleep is crucial to getting the job. You want to show up looking rested with your best foot forward, eye bags and yawns left behind.

4. Psyche yourself out. 

Be confident heading in. There is a reason you have an interview or a second chance to sell yourself. Don’t put silly thoughts in your head that you’re nothing but the best before heading in!

5. Forget to network. 

Also known as, failing-to-network-before-at-all. Research the company, or the interviewer if you know who they are, before and see if there are any common connections. If they are a good contact, name drop them in the interview. Job candidates are more likely to be put in “the express lane” to be hired if they are referred or recommended.

6. Rely on your sense of direction. 

Your girl has an impeccable sense of direction. However, I’ve been guilty of failing to check wrecks, traffic, construction or the nearest parking before interviews. Go on a test run before your interview and find the most direct route, possible interferences and the best place to park so on the day of you are arriving calm, cool and collected.

7. Spray perfume. 

Did you know that the human’s sense of smell is the most sensitive of all the senses? Smell is also linked to our emotions and memories—both good and bad. While your perfume is linked to positivity from you, you can never know how your employer will react or respond. Stick to soap instead.

8. Chew gum. 

We all want the freshest breath before heading into a conversation, but blow a bubble and all of a sudden there’s blue stuck to your lip or in between your teeth—the worst. Opt for a mint instead to eliminate and sticky disasters.

9. Not check yourself out. 

Head to the bathroom before you go into the boardroom to fix any fly aways or smudged makeup. Interviewers make an impression of you in seconds, make sure it’s a fantastic one.

10. Forget who you are. 

You are a fabulous, unstoppable, intelligent, kick-ass Lala girl. Stay true to yourself, be confident, get that job and then tell us about it!!