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Global Manpower Mobility & Deployment Solutions

StaffArabia strives to become a regional service provider for total Staffing & Multi Outsourcing Solutions. Our Services Umbrella was tailored to fit the most challenging needs of varying corporates, employers, and industries.

Global Manpower Mobility & Deployment Solutions

  • Staff Arabia has a Specialized and dedicated department covering all Mobility, deployment & Visa Processing and related services for different countries to insure a smooth & swift process of joining and deployment of all personnel to their work stations.
  • Our umbrella of services & expertise are designed to respond effectively to most deployment challenges required by clients, work stations and projects, covering but are not limited to:
    • Attestation of degrees, documents from Embassies & Ministries of Foreign Affairs in destination country.
    • Corporate & Individual documentation & visa application Support & stamping for visit/business visa including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Algeria, Libya among others .
    • Arranging cost/time saving & suitable joining/leaving routes & flights for/ from all work destinations and countries.
    • Pre-Hiring Medical checkup , Medical insurance & insurance .
    • Arranging accommodation, hotel bookings, lodging, transportation, escort and logistics services for inbound and outbound staff and personnel through all destinations & countries of operations during first joining, rotation & end of contract.
  • Staff Arabia Global Mobility & Manpower Deployment services cover most of the MENA/GCC/Africa/Asia insure a smooth & swift process of joining and deployment of all personnel to their work stations .

To Contact Our Mobility & Deployment Department:

  • Email Address: VPD@staffarabia.com
  • Tel : +20 237 61 7666 | +20 237 61 6667 | Ext. 107
  • Direct : +201028248988

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